Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Evan, Evan, Evan...what in the world has he been up too lately???

He is still growing, eating and gaining weight. Did I say, gaining weight? He just recently has started feeling heavier. I now have a hard time carrying him. I worry on the days he does not eat much that he isn't getting enough...but I don't think I have to worry about that.

He has also just started Mother's Day Out about two weeks ago. He goes twice a week and is doing really well with being away from mommy. It has also been great break for me especially since the fatigue has started again.

Evan is:

  • Obsessed with the movie "Cars". He will watch it over and over.
  • Talking a lot more. He is learning new word's every day.
  • still loving the outside.
  • still a paci and "gogo" lover.
  • a daddy's boy.
  • a great sleeper...better not speak too soon.
  • still sleeping in his crib...soon to be transitioned to a twin bed.

  • still in love with balloons.

  • loving to look at books.
  • into mommy's kitchen spoon's and spatula's

  • finally loving chocolate has been long road trying to get him to drink he ask for it at night.

  • a pickle lover. This boy loves...I mean LOVES pickle's.
  • unaware his life is about to change once his brother arrives. However, he knows his brother's name.

So we have been doing a lot of this:

and some of this:

and this:

and enjoying this:

and more of this:

Evan truly loves having a yard to play in every day!

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