Sweet Smile!
Big Boy snack
I am not doing very good with keeping up with the blog. I want to try and write once a week just to remember what changes Evan is making. He is changing so fast and I feel like I can't keep up. Anyways, I hope to do better.
So Evan turned sixteen months a week ago today. We are almost to the half year mark and it seems like he just turned 1 yesterday. If time really goes by this fast then I need to brace myself because he will be 16 before I can turn around.
So what are some things I want to remember that Evan is doing:
1. Sleeping from 8pm to 6am. Still taking two naps a day which last anywhere from one to two hours.
2. Loves eating chicken nuggets, green beans, pasta, ketchup, french fries, fruit, rice, shredded cheese (yes, it has to be shredded), and chips (if he is offered them)
3. He loves biting off mommy and daddy's hamburger or tasting anything we are eating.
4. He does not care for sweets.
5. We are currently teaching him to eat from a fork/spoon and he loves the idea and thinks its so much fun to eat with his utensils. He also has learned how to drink from a straw!
6. He is still wearing size 4 diapers and wears 18 to 24 months clothes. We also have some 2T's.
7. He can point to just about any animal in his books if you ask. He knows to many animals to name. He can say these: frog, lamb, dog, cat, duck, bear, owl, bird, hippo...I think thats all.
8. He loves watching Nick Jr. and sometimes gets mad if you change the channel.
9. He still enjoys playing with his cars and trucks. Those two words he has down!
10. He is becoming sociable and will talk to anybody that walks by...he loves telling people HEY!
11. We never leave home or sleep without his "GoGo"...his giraffe blanket.
12. He is a pro at walking and is running as well.
13. We are teaching him his shapes. He can say: star, circle and diamond. However, he knows more if asked to point to them.
14. He is a typical boy who LOVES the outdoors! He knows tree, flower, and pine cone by name. He knows others by pointing.
15. He loves getting in my one cabinet that I can't child proof and pulling everything out. I had to move my pots and pans because he was making too much noise. He now plays with my tupperware.
16. He can request certain foods like: cracker, mum mum, cookie, chip and drink.
17. He is cutting 4 eye teeth at one time. He has been a trooper...I know that could not feel too good.
18. He loves for you to play chase and thinks it hilarious.
19. He is learning how to build with his blocks that I finally found put in a cabinet thats never opened.
20. Overall, Evan is a very happy and fun little fella.
This has been a fun age for me as I watch him learn and say new things! He is such a blessing to Jason and I...life without him would be so dull. It just makes me smile thinking about how sweet our child is.
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